

From Medicine To Medicine To Medicine To Treatment To Medicine

Unfortunately, the achievements of today's medicine in the field of diagnosis are not reflected to the same extent in the field of treatment. While very advanced techniques are put forward in the diagnosis of many diseases, approaches in treatment preserve the characteristics of 80 years ago. In these approaches, blood pressure reducers are used in blood pressure patients, while sugar reducers are used in diabetics. Drugs that suppress allergies in allergy sufferers and acid-blocking drugs in stomachic patients take an active role. What the approach was eighty years ago, the same applications still maintain their warmth. It's just new chemical formulas that change. But the thought is always the same. "Suppress the exit." The main reason for this approach, which consists of the world of antis, is the inadequacy of the human perspective.


The foundations of this inadequacy were laid 200 years ago. According to these fundamentals, man is either a machine or a laboratory with a set of chemical reactions. According to this perception, the faulty part of the human being, who is evaluated as a machine, is repaired and the road continues. Sometimes it is thought that negative processes will be corrected by suppressing chemical reactions. For this reason, treatments that suppress serotonin or dopamine levels, which are seen as enemies, are targeted as soon as possible. But there is a forgotten truth; Man is neither a machine nor a set of chemical reactions. Because human is an entity that is connected from the seven-fold heavens to the energy dimensions, has a mind, a soul, a heart, and many other faculties. It would be both inadequacy and unfair to look at the human being in this wealth as a machine or a set of chemical reactions. This is the main source of the inadequacy in today's medicine.


With this point of view, the human body, which is imprisoned in narrow frames, becomes a tangle of diseases whose cause is unknown. Why remains unanswered. Why do I have blood pressure, why do I have sugar, why do I have allergies, why why why...


In a situation where the reasons are unanswered, there is only one thing to do. It is to suppress what comes out. At this point, antis come into play and many bodily conditions, from increased cholesterol to high sugar levels, are suppressed without revealing their causes. Antihypertensives suppress blood pressure, antidiabetics suppress sugar, and antihistamines suppress allergies. As you suppress it, the body experiences the same processes over and over again. In the meantime, the body is more suppressed. When the drugs are combined, they become two or the drug doses are increased. This approach continues until the body can no longer make a sound. At that time, new disease processes come into play in the body. After a certain period, bags of drugs are activated. However, none of these approaches is sufficient to eradicate diseases. Now we have blood pressure, diabetes, allergies and joint problems, and we have bags of drugs to suppress these problems.


What needs to be done is to approach people like humans and reveal the infrastructure of diseases. With this approach, the reason why our body has increased its blood pressure is solved. For this reason, while looking at the body, it would be appropriate to look at the seven-fold heavens as a prospective entity. Thus, instead of directly suppressing something, substance-disposal structures will be included in the diagnosis methods and the treatment processes will be shaped. Then, instead of bags of medicine, healthy bodies will be put forward, and treatment prescriptions will be created instead of medicine by medicine. Maybe a sip of water will help.


To healthy days instead of medical treatments...